Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ver Online Long Dong Silver


"The aim of this last meeting will redirect all theoretical and practical tools that have occurred in previous meetings and incorporated in a final experimental performative act to close the node generTech of Valencia.
As in the third meeting we will share knowledge, create common content and jam session will visualize a final performance.
will continue an open process where body language experience, digital, performative and visual for a racial mixing open source and will be a joint development via dynamic working groups from different backgrounds and means. After an initial learning aproche and free software and the opening of the codes, we consider the application of free software as a functional tool in the creative act we need to re-embodiment, the gestures, voice and the use of analog instruments. For analog instruments understand all that has an absence of logic in an electronic circuit, which returns all sensory perception, sensual connection to the act of body and objectual obligor and the sharing of fantasy from the distance but not the closeness. "

24 Wednesday
16.00> presentation ideadestroyingmuros
> roundtable 4 nodes - assessments
18.00> presentation: streaming - lucia tricks of minipimer.tv
19.00> presentation: art ZIP: physical and political boundaries and minorities - lara ge and be the chatte
20:00> streaming participatory workshops and mail art
22.00 > generaTech in program púbiko space

November 25 Thursday


16.00> presentation: extreme gender art - kyrahm and julius kaiser
16h40> presentation: mediagogía or learning experience and ownership of the means - julia martinez
17.20> workshop performance: target pornoterrorista
> shared Workshop: Poetry - Sayaka valencia and creative writing - Helen the forest, the fox supreme
his school cabanyal
21.00> presentation of these books

November 26 Friday

16.00> presentation: clear gayo
16.30> Voice Workshop: Anastasia Kulikova
17.30> workshop: microsexo - j aime of val (experimental group)
21.30> performance: kyrahm and julius kaiser

Saturday November 27
12.00> roundtable organized by videoarmsidea: when bodies across borders - with all participants
sound recording. Project in progress by Marta Moreno Muñoz (Kali, title) - residua ( n.pl .)
16:00> Workshop: microsexo - Jaime del Val (experimental group - continued)

20h30 > performance sonora: when i was young i was easily amused, but now it is all, the same and the same... onemannation
21.00> performance transonora dj dorotti
21.30> jam cloistered
la regadera
22.00> vegan scene

All information on ideadestroyingmuros


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