Thursday, November 18, 2010

Getting Hepatitis C Using A Hair Cutting Machine

Stages WIPs: Ripley 8 & Grid Alien

For those who are wondering continuously (both in comments and in the C-Box) on the progress of my projects Here we summarize a bit in how these two:

- Ripley 8 : I redesigned some sprites , using this time as the base of Jill Valentine. It still has a lot to this char. Ideas for the moment I have about him: Blood acid (such as aliens), use the Newborn as helper and perhaps also the cyborg Call (Winona Ryder in the film). You can see a preview in the image above.

- Grid Alien : Moving slowly (30% approx.), I hope to have it completed in early 2011. Also you can see above. In addition to an introduction to Celtic Predator (as in the film), several helper will alien drones, plus some other things I have in mind.

Soon the release of a char surprise I will not reveal ... jejejejejeje


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