Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Has Anyone Been To Jamaica

Online Magazine: GOOD BARBA [n º 2 + *]

We are pleased to presentarosla online magazine A good beard. Perhaps we have posted a little late, but everything inside is tremendous attention and quality. We invite you to discover this gift editorial.

A Good Barba is a journal of current queer, sexuality, and culture. A quarterly trip to discover and promote an alternative reality to social standards.

is a feminist collage made of fragments they bring all kinds of people, creating something that can be eaten in an entire day at the computer with a lot of coffee or digested during the three month wait for the next issue. Nosotrxs put the soundtrack.

This magazine is also an adventure. The intrepid beard looks remote locations and remote people. Sometimes these weird landscapes are in our own portal, sometimes found at the other end of the world, or even nonexistent.

who works in A Good Barba was plunged into a tangle involving queer feminist movement since its inception. From the street or from the academy. No matter who is as willing to participate and have something to say. Solo are beyond the claims and the binary: radical inclusivity is our motto.

+ info: http://unabuenabarba.com/


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