Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lori Ann Rambough In Jail


Image 2009. Source

[Courses case]
start date 17/01/2011> Closing date: 17/01/2011
Recipients: Graduate / in Psychology and graduate students of Psychology.
Duration: 4 hours.
Organizers: With the collaboration of the Ministry of Social Services of the Community of Madrid.

PROGRAM Monday, January 17, 2011.
16.00 h. Presentation of the information program and attention to homosexual and transgender
Community Madrid (Department of Family and Social Affairs).
Ilma. Ms. María del Carmen Pérez Anchuela. Director General of Social Services of the Community of Madrid. Hon. D. Fernando Chacón Fuertes. Dean of the College of Psychologists of Madrid.
16.45 h. Opening lecture: History and Development of Gay and Lesbian Psychology. Ms. Ana Gómez Arias. M-16 426 licensed psychologists. Psychologist Care Program for Gay and Transgender Community of Madrid.
17.30 h. Conference: The psychological process of identity
sexual orientation and the impact of homophobia on the welfare of the individual. D.
Juan Manuel Peris López. Psychologist M-10 202 collegiate. Psychologist Care Program for Gay and Transgender Community of Madrid.
18.15 h. Rest.
18.30 h. Conference: * The gay or lesbian parents .* Ms. Ana Gómez Arias. M-16 426 licensed psychologists. Psychologist Care Program for Gay and Transgender Community of Madrid.
19.00 h. Conference: * Psychological intervention with parents of gays and lesbians .* D. Juan Manuel Peris López. M-10 202 chartered psychologist. Psychologist Care Program for Gay and Transgender Community of Madrid.
19.30 h. Discussion and conclusions. Prices

Chartered / as belonging to the Department of Psychology Clinic College of Psychologists of Madrid: 15 €.
Chartered / as, associations / as in the College of Psychologists of Madrid or students: 20 €. Psychologists
not registered in Madrid: 35 €.


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