then I left with a word about the highly anticipated book Autopsy of a lobster of Helena Torres Sbarbati published by Melusina
"One evening an explosion of rage, wrote in his diary: "I survived gracefully Videla, to the disappointment of Cuba and Mao Tse Tung, cocaine, an illegal abortion under general anesthesia in unsanitary conditions, a caesarean section, two tornadoes, fire, motorcycle accident divorce, two depressions, a principle of schizophrenic, the manipulator and the romantic love, a rebellious son and a mother furious. As the great Manuela Trasobares say: "What I have to dress up?! What ?!"».
* Del gr. αúτοψíα, action seen by the eyes
"The locusts would be perfect: stealthy nocturnal inhabitants of the ocean murkier funds that feed on waste from other animals. And this is not the only common ground with the dogs in my pack: they have a very hard shell that change several times throughout his life, then eat and replenish and weakness caused by the move. It is considered a delicacy and aphrodisiac powers, but hard to kill and potentially deadly to those allergic to its delicious meat, so it is only suitable for experienced palates away from prejudice. It is also rose, as our desired limousine. ""
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