Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Connecting Midi Controller To Soundcard

Long ago ...

For if, long ago and have not written anything here or I'll tell you news, since I have no time to devote to the blog. I concentrated on my studies part of my regular work and encourage me when it only fair.

Well because the next day 9, 10 and April 11 will be in the 1st edition of the fair Hideaway ETA, I am in full activity making new cartoons and working with them in various formats. Well I'll tell you more about the show:
What is it? Hideaway
ETA is an independent design show created with the intention of claiming the right that children have to enjoy with your family in a fair and different design that offers can be found. We believe that the young audience is much more prepared than we tend to think.

addition, Disney will be present at the fair!
will present the prize of the contest of hats inspired by the Mad Hatter in Tim Burton's film "Alice in Wonderland." This event will be attended the Instituto Europeo di Design Madrid and designer Carlos Diez as masters of ceremonies. Hats finalists will be exhibited at the fair.

be organized in the Plaza LUNA CINEMAS Soledad Torres Acosta, an ideal place because of its proximity to the commercial area of \u200b\u200bthe Gran Via and Triball area, a clear reference of the Independent Design.

will take place the weekend of 9, 10 and 11 April. On Saturday, 9 from 10 to 2 the fair opens to press and only 2 will open to the public until 21 hours. On Friday April 10 will be open from 11 to 21 hours and Sunday 11 April 1911 to 20 hours.

For families with children of all ages, youth, children and adults with a penchant for design. believe that is the same target audience that triBall area.

addition there will be many activities to do for children and adults, myself will give a workshop on plastic magic for children and big kids . I'll tell you the experience to see how it is given. My workshop is on Sunday from 12 to 13 for which you want to bring.

date Agreeing also performed the traditional and, Nomad Market, so due to the proximity of the premises of the two shows I suggest you to profit weekend Independent Design.

And after all this stuff that I I showed you a preview released, I promise you will update around the web store, which is a bit outdated now,
with all new products.

A kiss and I hope to ETA HIDING!


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